Consider using flexible work patterns to your advantage.
Consider using flexible work patterns to your advantage.
Companies are being forced to adapt to an ever-changing work environment as the concept of "a job for life" is fading away, the demographic "time bomb" continues to tick, and new technology continues to emerge at a fast rate.
The government has a perspective on these new forms of working, but what are the advantages and dangers that businesses should be aware of?
Are they accomplishing anything?
Because of the significant influence on state pension costs that shifts in employment patterns have on the budget, the government is concerned about the repercussions. Several government-led projects have been launched in recent years, with more to come:
A 2002 statement by Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, said "More and more British employees are realizing that balancing quality of life and family is as vital as a rewarding profession." People plainly want more control and choice over their working hours, but they lack the self-confidence and knowledge to take action on their own behalf. Stress costs British businesses £370 million a year. Employees with frazzled nerves are unable to function to their full potential because of this. Consequently, it is the responsibility of both the employer and the employee to collaborate on finding work-life balance solutions that lead to enhanced performance and commitment. The benefits of flexible working are something I want to make a priority in my career. '
Part-timers have the same legal rights as full-timers under long-standing law.Minimum vacation and maximum working week regulations are regulated by legislation like the Working Time Directive.
Parents with children under six years old or those with disabilities under the age of 18, have been permitted to seek flexible work schedules since April 6, 2003. If you have a child, you have the right to request a change in your work schedule or to work from home.However, this is not an automatic right, and the employer might reject it on specific grounds.
Maternity leave and pay have risen and been extended by the government since April 6, 2003, and rights to paid adoption and paternity leave have been enacted.
Age discrimination regulations will be implemented by the government beginning in 2006. A mandatory retirement age is prohibited, and employers will not be allowed to hire, train, promote, or retire workers on the basis of their age.
Types of work arrangements that provide some degree of flexibility
In addition to full-time employment, there are a number of well-established alternatives:
Working part-time, which may involve a variety of hours and work patterns.
Flexible time, which enables employees to pick how many hours they work each week (within pre-determined restrictions) as long as they meet their quota of hours within a pre-determined time frame,
Some employees start work at 8 am and depart at 4 pm, while others start work an hour or two later and leave an hour or two later.
Job sharing, in which two employees agree to share the work of one full-time employee.
Because of shift labor, 24-hour coverage is possible.
Taking a sabbatical for up to a year following an agreed time of service, or taking a professional break when children are small, are examples of unpaid leave.
When it comes to working from home, telework and computer connectivity have made it simpler.
Staff members who agree to take on less responsibility for a lower salary are known as downshifters. In the years leading up to retirement, this may be quite beneficial, and it typically occurs in conjunction with the decision to work part time.
The advantages (and barriers) of
When it comes to flexible working hours, employers in the past were more likely to reject them outright, citing the expense, difficulty of administration, and the fact that no real professional player would want to work less than full-time. It would be considered short-sighted and unhelpful in the modern world.
Employees of all ages desire a better work-life balance.In turn, firms that allow for flexible work schedules will benefit from more loyal employees who opt to remain and take fewer sick days. Recruitment will be easier for the firm. Employees that are happier and less stressed are more productive, which in turn leads to increased earnings.
Increasingly, we live in a culture where customers want 24-hour service. This cannot be met without the use of various work arrangements, such as those involving shift work, job sharing, and part-time employees. In a workplace where flexibility is built-in, equipment may be used to its maximum potential.
Half the time doesn't mean half the work (or half the commitment). Work-life balance is not a problem for those who can better manage their schedules. When a firm shows a genuine interest in the needs of its workers, it attracts and keeps top-notch individuals who are willing to put in the time and effort required.
A business must be able to provide genuinely flexible work schedules in order to recruit the greatest and most diversified staff.
The government is slowly but definitely eliminating legal hurdles, such as rigidity in Inland Revenue laws, that make it difficult for older individuals to reduce their working hours towards retirement while still maintaining an acceptable level of living, notwithstanding these benefits. • Companies will have to follow suit, and attitudes will have to change to keep up with the times. and coworkers' perceptions of older workers need to change, as well as the culture of concluding that older people are ineligible for employment. Employers in many industries still believe that those who take career vacations, work part-time or don't put in lengthy hours aren't committed to their careers. Although this is a short-sighted and erroneous approach, it must nonetheless be taken into consideration.
How are businesses responding to this?
Generally speaking, most companies may be divided into one of three types:
the so-called "Proactive Group." In terms of attracting and retaining top-tier employees, these are the people to follow when it comes to ingenuity and fresh ideas. When it comes to employee surveys, they are always in the top 100.
It's known as the "Active Group." Flexibility is a nice notion, but they prefer to follow market trends and pick up ideas from others rather than implement them on their own. Because they are afraid of the repercussions if they don't, they often provide flexible working arrangements.
Change Resistant Group No. 3. Often, they are tiny businesses that lack the ability to adapt quickly. They may believe that it solely relates to their female, non-technical employees and dismiss it as a problem. They are wary of the notion since it seems dangerous and complicated to put up and administer at first glance.
These three groups might greatly benefit from an external consultant's impartial knowledge and competence. In other words, Group 1 could benefit from a neutral setting for the generation and analysis of new ideas, as well as from the provision of support services such as facilitation, quality assurance, and risk analysis.
To go from Group 2 to Group 1, they may want assistance in expanding their expertise and creating new ideas for a more flexible work environment.
Group 3 may need assistance in gaining more information, dealing with the risk factors, and overcoming their apprehension about change.
You need to get it right when it comes to introducing new ways of doing business. People who tried home working in the beginning did not realize the risks of working alone or without coworkers' assistance, and as a result, things did not always go as planned, with home workers frequently being more stressed than they were at their original employment. Flexible working may, however, be made more likely to achieve its goals for both the business and its employees by seeking assistance from an expert before implementing new work patterns, rather than having to deal with the repercussions if this is not done properly.
In her difficult sector of stress management and employee welfare, Carole Spiers combines three roles: broadcaster, journalist, and corporate manager.
For the last 20 years, Carole has been a leading expert on stress management and wellness in the media (BBC, ITV, Sky, NBC, CNN), as well as in print (Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph, trade and professional magazines) and on the radio.
Carole Spiers Group, her own company, was founded by Carole and serves as the UK's No. 1 supplier of stress management and employee well-being from the shop floor up.
Carole played a key part in the creation of National Stress Awareness DayTM as the previous Chairperson of the International Stress Management Association UK. For the courts, Carole serves as an expert witness on stress risk assessment and is the author of Tolley's "Managing Stress in the Workplace."
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